Boost Your Energy: Homemade Adrenal Cocktail with Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

This nourishing elixir can support your adrenal glands and provide a natural energy boost!

What is an Adrenal Cocktail?

The Adrenal Cocktail is a popular drink among wellness enthusiasts and is specifically formulated to support adrenal health. The adrenal glands play a crucial role in the body's energy regulation through the production of hormones involved in the stress response and metabolism. Sipping on this adrenal cocktail everyday will help supply your adrenals with the adequate nutrients it needs to repond to stress and keep your energy levels up! This homemade adrenal cocktail combines a potent and revitalizing blend of nutrients to support your adrenals for more energy throughout the day!

Why Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice?

First off, using FRESH SQUEEZED OJ is a game changer! The advantages of fresh squeezed orange juice over its store-bought counterparts (like Tropicana..) are a no-brainer.

When you use fresh squeezed OJ, you:

Get Amplified Nutrient Content: When you squeeze your own orange juice, you can enjoy a richer concentration of essential nutrients. Here's why I prefer fresh squeezed OJ:

  • Higher Vitamin C: Freshly squeezed juice contains a higher vitamin C content due to minimal exposure to air and light, which can cause the degradation of this essential nutrient.

  • Potent Antioxidants: Homemade orange juice retains more antioxidants, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, which support a healthy immune system and overall cellular health.

  • Increased Mineral Absorption: The bioavailability of minerals, like potassium and magnesium, is enhanced in fresh squeezed juice, ensuring optimal absorption by the body.

  • Rich Fiber Content: One significant advantage of homemade orange juice is the presence of natural fiber, which is absent in most store-bought alternatives (hi pulp free options). Fiber offers a range of health benefits, including:

    • Digestive Health: The natural fiber in fresh squeezed orange juice aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system, preventing constipation, and supporting regular bowel movements.

    • Satiety and Weight Management: The inclusion of fiber in homemade juice can promote feelings of fullness, curbing cravings and assisting in weight management.

    • Blood Sugar Regulation: The fiber in oranges helps slow down the absorption of sugar, preventing super sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

  • Avoid Preservatives: Store-bought orange juice often contains preservatives to extend its shelf life. Opting for fresh squeezed juice ensures that you can steer clear of artificial additives, such as:

    • Sodium Benzoate: This preservative is commonly used in packaged orange juice to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. However, excessive consumption may have adverse effects on health, including allergies and potential DNA damage.

    • Artificial Sweeteners: Some store-bought varieties add artificial sweeteners to enhance the taste. By squeezing your own oranges, you can avoid these unnecessary additives.

Homemade Adrenal Cocktail Ingredient Benefits

Fresh squeezed orange juice serves as the foundation of the Adrenal Cocktail due to its impressive nutritional profile and natural sweetness. Here's why it's the perfect choice for this energizing drink:

  1. Vitamin C Powerhouse: Oranges are renowned for their high vitamin C content, which plays a crucial role in adrenal health. Vitamin C supports the production of adrenal hormones, helping to combat fatigue and enhance energy levels.

  2. Natural Electrolytes: Orange juice contains essential electrolytes, including potassium and magnesium, which are vital for proper adrenal function. These electrolytes aid in hydration, nerve conduction, and maintaining balanced blood pressure.

  3. Antioxidant Boost: The antioxidants found in fresh squeezed orange juice, such as flavonoids, protect the adrenal glands from oxidative stress. This helps maintain their optimal function and supports overall adrenal health.

But let’s not forget the rest nutritious ingredients':

  • Coconut water:

    • Contains electrolytes, such as potassium and sodium, which can support hydration and electrolyte balance during times of stress.

  • Canned coconut cream:

    • Contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that provide a readily available source of energy and may support brain function during stress.

    • Can help stabilize blood sugar levels and provide a steady release of energy.

  • Collagen powder:

    • Contains amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins and may support tissue repair and regeneration.

    • Supports joint health, as collagen is an essential component of connective tissues.

    • Vital Proteins is a great choice!

  • Magnesium powder:

    • Plays a role in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body, including those involved in energy production and stress response.

    • Helps promote relaxation and may support better sleep, which is important for adrenal gland recovery.

  • Sea salt:

    • Provides essential minerals, including sodium and trace minerals, which support adrenal function and electrolyte balance.

Here’s the Yummy Homemade Adrenal Cocktail Recipe with Homemade OJ


  • 1 cup homemade orange juice (freshly squeezed)

  • 1/4 cup coconut water

  • 1/4 cup canned coconut cream (unsweetened)

  • 1 scoop collagen powder (follow the recommended serving size on the package)

  • 1/2 teaspoon magnesium powder (follow the recommended serving size on the package)

  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (preferably Himalayan or Celtic sea salt)

  • Ice cubes (optional)

Pour in a fancy glass, relax, and enjoy!

Bailey Petrucelli

Bailey is a mama, nutritionist, and health nut. She spends her time finding joy in her every day moments and helps other mamas and young women embrace a happy, healthy, peaceful life.

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