10 Winter nature activities for kids to do outside

10 Winter Nature Activities for Kids to do Outside


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Winter seems to be that never-ending time of year that we are all wishing for summer every second. As a complete summer lover myself, living in Pennsylvania, it took me some time to actually appreciate the winter and all the winter nature activities for kids that we can do!

As I changed my perspective around the seasons, I am embracing each and every one of them. Don’t get me wrong, the warmer months are still my favorite with my kiddos, (Wanna-be Charleston Mama at heart), but wintertime isn’t as bad as it once was.

Winter nature activities for kids outside in the cold are HEALTHY!

Plus, getting your kiddos and yourself outside even on the cold days is healthy! Unlike popular belief, you actually get sick more by staying indoors (where viruses can spread), and being outdoors, in fact, helps your immune system!

With that being said, you want to make sure the entire fam is dressed super warm and appropriately so you can spend more than just 15 minutes outside before they are whining to come back in. 

I hope my outdoor winter nature activities for kids can inspire you to embrace this colder season with your kiddos and appreciate the incredible nature around us.

10 Outdoor Winter Nature Activities for Kids

outdoor winter nature activities for kids

Make a Pinecone Bird Feeder

Go for a hike, bring a reusable bag, and collect pinecones. Once you get home, you can make your winter nature craft of a natural birdfeeder! 

Tie twine around the pinecones, slather on peanut butter with a popsicle stick, roll it in birdseed, and voila! 

Your kids can help you hang them outside your home (near a window) and watch the birds (or sometimes squirrels) nibble away! This year, we kept our Christmas tree in our backyard for animals to find shelter for the snow. We hung out little bird feeder right on that.

Check out our Sprouting Kits at True Leaf Market

Create Colorful “Snow Art”

Get a little squirt bottle and fill it with colored water or veggie/fruit juice (beets, spinach, carrots). Let your kiddos squeeze the bottle and make “snow art” by decorating the snow. This is the perfect nature winter “craft” for them to create.

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winter nature activities for kids

Make an Igloo with your Kids

Okay, go get your winter snow pants on, Mama, and help make the biggest, baddest, raddest igloo ever. 

I remember making one as a kid with our entire family and taking out tea lights at night in there (what an ambiance and fun experience!). It was one of the best childhood winter memories. 

This may take you a day or two to build up the snow, let it harden a bit, and dig out, but you’ll be the coolest mom ever for helping! *Obviously, be sure to make it safe for your kiddos.

kid skiing winter nature activities for kids

Get some Second-Hand Skis or Snowboard and Give it a Go!

Maybe even call in a sick day for the kids and take them on a surprise trip to the slops! This will make it even more special for them. Pack a hefty lunch filled with snacks and hearty foods because those kiddos will work up an appetite. 

Depending on how old your kids are, you can relax, all cozied up in the ski lodge with a book, or even get out there and give it a go yourself! It’s also fun to try new things. 

winter nature crafts and activities

Look for Animal Tracks

It’s always fun to see fresh animal tracks in the snow and try to guess what animal made it. You can take pictures and try to look them up with your kids once you get inside if you’re unsure. It’ll be a learning lesson for everyone. 

Go All Out on Making a Snowman

I’m talking 3 separate sections, hats, scarf, stone eyes, and carrot nose! Be sure to snap a picture for your memory books!

Go Sledding/ Tubing

If you haven’t gone tubing as a kid, now is the time to experience this fun-filled event with your kiddos. Honestly, I don’t know who will have more fun, you or them…

winter nature activities for families

Outside Winter Photography

This is one of my favorite winter nature activities for kids. Winter photography is such a fun time to capture incredible shots! Ice sickles, snow on trees, cardinals… By showing your kids how to capture pictures of nature, you’re teaching them how much pleasure you can experience when you pay attention to the beauty around us.


baby in sled- fun things to do in winter with kids

Go for a Hike and Pull the Littles in a Sled

Buddle the little ones up in a blanket, let the bigger kids run ahead, and talk a nature stroll through the woods! There’s nothing like being present in nature and with your kids.

Go on an Eggbox Nature Walk/ Scavenger Hunt

Bring along a cardboard egg carton and see what kinds of things your peanut can find to fill it up. We want the most interesting things they can find! This will help them pay attention to nature's details and the small things we typically just look past. 

How do I get my kids outside in the winter?

If your kids are resistant to going outside, get them excited about it. For that to happen, YOU need to be excited about it. Read a book about nature in the wintertime or tell them about an outdoor activity that is “going to be so much fun. You can’t wait to show them!”. This eagerness will excite them up! 

You can also (maybeeeee) convince them with hot chocolate or cookie baking when you come back indoors. 

How do I entertain my kids in the winter if the weather is unbearable?

Okay, okay, I get it. Maybe you’re thinking, it’s literally 5 degrees out and gusting winds. I’m not taking my kiddos out. Well, if you need indoor winter activities, check out this article if need ways to entertain your kids in the winter indoors.

If you want more ideas like these winter nature activities for kids, tips on non-toxic living, healthy living, or being a stay at home mom blogger or copywriter, I’d love to have you be part of our little community! 

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Bailey Petrucelli

Bailey is a mama, nutritionist, and health nut. She spends her time finding joy in her every day moments and helps other mamas and young women embrace a happy, healthy, peaceful life.


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