5 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs: No Experience Required! (#5 is my favorite)

So you’re a mama… And you’ve probably got your hands pretty full. But, you love being able to be home with your kiddos and spend time with them as they grow. 

However, if you still want to contribute to your family’s income, you might find yourself feeling torn. You want to build your career, but you’re not sure if you want to spend most of your week working away from home. 

You want a good job that you like, but you don’t have years of experience under your belt, so your options seem limited. You feel stuck. What you need is one of these realistic stay at home mom jobs, no experience required!

Look, I get it because I’ve been in your shoes. I know how it feels. I didn’t want to settle for a traditional career where I spent most of my time away from home and dreaded going to work each day. I wanted to make a good income, but have flexible hours and actually enjoy the work that I was doing.  

But you might be wondering, do jobs for stay-at-home moms with no experience even exist?? 

Well, I’m living proof that you can have a job you enjoy that pays well and you can do it from the comfort of your home while raising your beautiful children! 

Working remotely has been a dream for me, and I’d love to inspire you to begin your own work-from-home journey. These WFH options are great whether you want a side business for stay-at-home moms, or want a legitimate stay-at-home job.

Want to see what my day is like? Read This Simple Stay at Home Mom Schedule Will Make for a Happy Mom

Stay at home mom job: no experience necessary:

  1. Virtual assistant

  2. Blogger or vlogger

  3. Graphic designer

  4. Bookkeeper

  5. Copywriter (THE BEST!)

These online SAHM jobs are all great because they can be self-taught. They give you flexible hours and the opportunity to make really good money. This means more time with your kiddos and financial freedom. Sounds pretty great right? 

Let’s dive in! 

1. SAHM Virtual Assistant 

VA mamas

A virtual assistant (or VA) typically offers general support to businesses or entrepreneurs. Virtual assistants take the load off of day to day tasks within a business, which helps the business grow! And as the name entails, this is a job you can do completely virtually! 

This career is great for beginners or people with little experience. As long as you’re organized and reliable, you can succeed as a VA! You might do things like answer emails, write blogs, create IG graphics, schedule appointments, coordinate meetings, and plan trips. Depending on their skillset, some VAs may also take on content creation, video editing, or help with social media.  

This can be really flexible and often you will have control over the amount of hours you pick up. You can even do this full time! You may work for just one client with a heavy workload or you may work for several clients at once. 

Another benefit to this job is that it can open doors to more opportunities. You can gain great experience and learn a lot by working with people in industries you are interested in.

I have a friend that worked as a VA for a health coach, then later pursued health coaching as her career after realizing how passionate she was about this work! 

You also can move your way up in a company or take on bigger roles if you prove yourself as a responsible worker. A dependable VA is worth her weight in gold, so there’s really no limit to how much you can grow within this type of position.  

2. Stay-at-Home Mom Blogger or Vlogger

stay at home mom blogger

So this is a career you have probably heard of before! But how do you become a successful blogger or vlogger (video blogger)? 

Well, to be honest, it does take a little bit of time. This is not the best choice if you’re looking for a quick buck, but it can be a really lucrative career with time and patience. 

Having a blog, like my stay-at-home mom blog, ‘our little happy crew’ or vlog is a great idea if you have a particular passion that you’d like to share. Popular blog ideas are cooking and recipes, fashion, parenting, and lifestyle- but really the options are endless. 

Typically your income with blogging comes through having affiliate ads on your website and partnering with other brands. You may promote their goods or services through your blog or be featured on other businesses’ sites. 

I love promoting Misfits Markets because as a mom I LOVE using this service and I truly think other moms would enjoy and benefit from it too. I personally only add affiliate links to products and services that I love and trust, like these ones.

This is definitely a flexible career that can be really fun! Of course, enjoying writing or having some videography skills is a good place to start, but this is a job that you can do with no prior experience. 

3. Graphic Designer

Graphic design is another skill that you can be self-taught. If you’ve got an eye for color and design and some basic computer skills, you are already on your way! If you pick this one out of the 5 stay at home mom jobs, no experience required, you can literally YouTube anything you want to know. There are tutorials all over the internet for how to do specific graphic designer hacks.

Graphic designers take on a variety of projects and do work like branding, creating logos, designing websites, and more. All businesses need graphic design at some point, so these types of skills are in high demand. 

You can find plenty of courses online and teach yourself everything you need to know about becoming a graphic designer. You may choose to work remotely as part of a team or freelance, taking on several clients at once. 

Graphic designers typically have awesome work-life balance. This is another career that can be done from home and pays well, especially as you gain more and more experience. 

4. Bookkeeper as a SAHM

Book keeper as a SAHM

One thing that businesses of all sizes have in common is that they have to track their finances. Keeping record of incoming and outgoing resources helps the business make better decisions and is crucial for tax time! 

Tracking finances is an aspect of business that many people do not enjoy or would prefer to outsource. If you have a love of numbers and consider yourself organized, this might be the right career for you! 

Even if you’ve never done bookkeeping in a professional setting, you probably have a little experience keeping track of your own finances. It can also be helpful to know or be willing to learn how to use spreadsheets. 

Bookkeeping has a relatively low barrier to entry and is another great choice for stay at home moms with no experience. Bookkeepers enjoy flexible work schedules and the ability to take on as much or as little work as they’d like. 

stay at home mom jobs no experience- SAHM copywriter

5. Mom Freelance Copywriter (THE BEST CAREER!)

Of course, this list wouldn’t be complete without the career that has allowed me to be a work-from-home mama and make between $4k-8k a month! I found this one to be such a good option when I was searching for realistic stay-at-home mom jobs, no experience required!

I discovered copywriting when I was reading articles like this one, looking for a way out of the draining 9 to 5 and that allowed me to stay at home with my newborn.

Copywriting is different from other writing jobs as it involves writing words that help businesses make sales. All businesses need good copy, like the words on their website, high-quality blogs, email campaigns, social media captions, websites, and more. Copy persuades readers to take action, like “add to cart” or “buy now.” 

You don’t need a degree to be a copywriter, making it the best stay at home mom job no experience needed. Though an interest in a specific niche and writing does help.

There are a lot of great resources out there that can help you become a copywriter, including my signature course, The Copywriters Academy, which explains the ins and outs of this industry and everything you need to know to start your own copywriting business within a couple of weeks and start bringing in income.

The Copywriter’s Academy !

It is literally packed FULL with everything you need to know. It includes 6 Modules, 30+lessons, Guest experts, contract templates, workbooks and more!

Copywriting is great for stay-at-home moms because you have a lot of control of your schedule and income. It has allowed me to get more time with my kiddos while still bringing in good money. I definitely recommend this career path for any moms that want to work from home! 

I hope that one of these careers stands out to you as something you’d like to pursue. There are so many opportunities out there and yes, plenty of jobs for stay-at-home moms with no experience. It may take some time, effort, and patience, but remember that everything is figureoutable! 

Are you ready to learn a new skill, bring in income and spend time with your kiddos? You can do this, Mama!

Pick your favorite out of these 5 stay-at-home mom jobs, no experience required, and get started!

Having a work-from-home job can allow you to slow down, take care of your kiddos, make dinner and keep the house under control without feeling stressed every single day! That’s no way to live! It’s time to find balance, and I’m here to help!

If you want to learn more about copywriting you may also be interested in:

Sharing is Caring! Share this article with another stay at home mom friend who would be interested in one of these SAHM jobs: No experience required!

Bailey Petrucelli

Bailey is a mama, nutritionist, and health nut. She spends her time finding joy in her every day moments and helps other mamas and young women embrace a happy, healthy, peaceful life.


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